Here we go again. AJ Styles has been WWE Champion since November 2017, holding the title for the longest reign in several years. He’s defended the title against a variety of top level talents and there’s a reason to believe that he could hold it for a very long time. With less than a month to go before Summerslam though, Styles needed a new challenger and that’s what he got on this week.
Make sure to check out our full SmackDown Live results right here.
This week on SmackDown Live, Samoa Joe was announced as Styles’ next challenger for the title, receiving his shot at Summerslam. During the show, General Manager Paige came out for the contract signing but was distracted by James Ellsworth interfering. While Styles watched her dealing with Ellsworth, Samoa Joe attacked Styles from behind and signed to face him at Summerslam. This is the first time the two of them will face off in WWE.
Here’s how it went down.

Samoa Joe becomes AJ Styles' SummerSlam opponent in vicious fashion: SmackDown LIVE, July 24, 2018
Opinion: There wasn’t exactly much of a surprise here and there’s nothing wrong with that. Samoa Joe and Styles have had some incredible matches before and there’s no reason that this should be any different. They’re going to be on a top level show and if they can get the time they deserve, this should be a heck of a match. Styles has held the title for about eight months now and if he survives here, he could go on for a rather long time.
Do you like Samoa Joe as the next challenger? If he doesn’t take the title from Styles, who will? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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