There’s the next step? WWE wrestlers appear on television on such a regular basis that eventually they are going to start feeling a bit stale. There are only so many ways to keep things fresh and sometimes one of the best ways is to have them go away for a bit. That seems to be the case with a current Monday Night Raw star, who is hinting at taking a break of her own.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: WATCH: Major Update To Bobby Lashley’s Monday Night Raw Status

Over the last few weeks, Monday Night Raw’s Asuka has been hinting at making a change in her career. This week, she wrestled without wearing face paint for the first time in years. Now, following her loss to Rhea Ripley on this week’s Monday Night Raw, Asuka has sent out a tweet saying that “I’ll be on a trip for a while.” There is no word on if this means Asuka will be missing time from WWE television or what she will be doing when she gets back.

Asuka is a force on her own. Check out what she has done in WWE:

Opinion: I’m not sure what is going on with Asuka at the moment but it seems that we will not be seeing her for the time being. Asuka has been around WWE for a long time now and it might be a good idea for her to change things up a bit. She is one of the most talented stars in WWE but even she needs something a little different. Even if it is just some time away for fans to want to see her again, this could be a good idea for her.

What do you think of Asuka? What change should she make? Let us know in the comments below.

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