Thankfully, there are words for this. Prior to Sacrifice 2008, Scott Steiner cut one of the most infamous promos in the history of Impact Wrestling. Unofficially known as Numbers Don’t Lie, the promo is Steiner’s twisted logic explaining why he had 141.66% chance of winning the upcoming triple threat World Title match. The promo is hysterical, and now we know a little more about it from someone who was involved with its creation.
Well we have to start with this.

Scott Steiner's Math Promo Sacrifice 2008 ACTUAL FOOTAGE
In a recent Q&A session with Sam Roberts to promote Summerslam, Samoa Joe talked about the promo. Joe was one of Steiner’s upcoming opponents in the triple threat match and was present during the filming of the promo. It turns out that it took several attempts to film the promo as Steiner’s lackey Petey Williams couldn’t keep a straight face. Joe also talked about his thoughts on being the focal point of a comedy promo.
Here’s the Samoa Joe interview.

I asked Samoa Joe a very important question.
Opinion: This is one of those promos that is legendary for all of the right reasons. It makes no sense, it is played entirely straight, and you know everything you need to know about the match. The key to the whole thing though is Steiner, who is so over the top and off the wall that he could sell this as a perfectly competent promo. Joe’s reaction to it is perfect as well, making the whole thing a gem.
What do you think of the original promo? What is the funniest promo you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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