205 Live
Date: November 28, 2018
Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson
Things are in a bit of a holding pattern around here at the moment as Buddy Murphy doesn’t have a challenger but is involved in a tag match tonight, teaming with Tony Nese against Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander. Other than that I’m sure we’ll be in for the normal midcard shenanigans, which can be hit or miss. Let’s get to it.
Drake Maverick previews the show.
Opening sequence.
Mike Kanellis vs. Noam Dar
Fallout from Kanellis costing Dar a match recently. Kanellis slaps at Dar’s hands in the corner to start as Maria sits in on commentary. Dar gets in a kick to the leg and waves at Maria to a reaction quieter than a golf clap. For some reason Dar goes outside (presumably to look at Maria) and gets jumped from behind, with Mike hitting a suplex. Back in and we hit the chinlock as Maria tries to explain the power of love.
The hold doesn’t last long as Dar pops up with a running dropkick to the head as the arena is just quiet. A spinebuster gets Kanellis out of trouble and here’s the Lucha House Party for a distraction. With Dorado and Metalik on the stage, Kalisto kicks Mike in the head, setting up the Nova Roller to give Dar the pin at 3:52.
Result: Noam Dar b. Mike Kanellis – Nova Roller (3:52)
First time you feel it it might make you sad. Next time you feel it it might make you mad. Hear Maria explain the power of love:

Noam Dar vs. Mike Kanellis: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2018
Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa are warming up with Tozawa getting on Kendrick’s nerves just enough to bring out the aggression. Tozawa’s hands hurt after Kendrick pounds the gloves so hard.Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher talk about how Kendrick used to be their friend but then he changed. Gulak uses some word that he doesn’t understand so Gallagher helps him out a bit. Next week: Gulak vs. Kendrick.
Hideo Itami vs. Levy Cruise
Itami isn’t playing around tonight and blasts Cruise in the face to start. The kick to the back lets Itami shout RESPECT ME. Cruise is draped over the top rope for the jumping knee to the back and there’s the hesitation dropkick in the corner. The spinning knee to the head finishes Cruise at 1:27.
Result: Hideo Itami b. Levy Cruise – Spinning knee to the head (1:27)
That’s a respectful squash. Check out Itami at his best:

Hideo Itami vs. Local competitor: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2018
Post match the beatdown continues but Ariya Daivari of all people comes out to interrupt. And never mind as he helps beat on Cruise before saying he respects Itami.TJP asks Drake Maverick why he can’t be #1 contender but Maverick says no because Gran Metalik beat him last week. That means another mention of the Cruiserweight Classic, which doesn’t quite work. TJP finally brings up Maverick’s stuff from Raw but the Kanellises come in to say they want the Lucha House Party. Maria doesn’t want to hear from TJP, but does want a tornado tag match is made for next week. Maverick agrees and tosses them.
Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander vs. Buddy Murphy/Tony Nese
Alexander and Nese start things off with the traditional exchange of wristlocks. Nese avoids a moonsault and nips up to duck a clothesline. That’s fine with Alexander, who snaps off a dropkick for two, complete with a glare at Murphy. It’s off to Ali for a quick dropkick to the side of the head so Murphy comes in and gets dropkicked as well. The tag brings Alexander back in and Murphy immediately bails for the tag back to Nese.
A quick distraction lets Murphy hit a running knee to the face though and now he’s willing to take over on Alexander. Some knees to the ribs set up a bodyscissors from Nese but Alexander is up in a hurry. The hot tag brings in Ali to pick up the pace with a shot to the face and the Batista Bomb for two. Murphy blocks the tornado DDT through raw power though and Nese gets in a cheap shot from the apron. Nese comes in legally and steps on Ali’s hair (Nigel: “Could be an accident, you never know.”) before it’s back to Murphy for a hard clothesline.
Ali gets in a double clothesline to put both villains on the floor but Murphy pulls Alexander off the apron to break up the hot tag attempt. A spinning kick to Murphy’s face is finally enough for the hot tag and Alexander comes in with the springboard Flatliner for two on Nese. Alexander shoves Nese into the corner to crotch Murphy and it’s back to Ali, who goes up top with Alexander to get Murphy.
Since that’s a bit crowded up top (not to mention with Nese beneath the three of them), Murphy and Ali both fall down to the floor in some scary looking crashes. Alexander nails Nese with a dive and throws Murphy back in for a tornado DDT from Ali. The Lumbar Check finishes Murphy at 13:31.
Result: Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander b. Tony Nese/Buddy Murphy – Lumbar Check to Murphy (13:31)
Murphy has to face one of them. Check out what should be a preview of the next title match:

Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy & Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2018
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews.Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!