205 Live
Date: April 9, 2019
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph
We’re past Wrestlemania and in this case that means we have a new Cruiserweight Champion in Tony Nese. I’m not sure how long he’s going to hold the title but you can imagine that Buddy Murphy is going to be coming for it, at least while he’s still on this show. Other than that it’s hard to say what we’ll be getting here, as 205 Live doesn’t always treat this show as anything special. Let’s get to it.
The opening video looks at Nese winning the title and a look back at everything he’s gone through to get here.
Opening sequence.
Tonight: Murphy gets his rematch.
Jack Gallagher vs. Humberto Carrillo
Drew Gulak joins commentary. Gallagher’s wristlock is countered into an armbar so Gallagher switches over to an ankle hold instead. They go into the exchange of monkey flips with Carrillo landing on his feet for a big smile. A neck snap across the top rope puts Carrillo down and Gallagher sends him head first into the corner for a bonus. Carrillo reverses a suplex into a small package for two but Gallagher knocks him right back down with ease.
Jack misses the running corner dropkick though and gets high crossbodied down. There’s a dropkick to send Gallagher outside for a running flip dive (Gulak: “Kid don’t learn.”). Back in and Carrillo hits a missile dropkick to the back of Gallagher’s head, followed by a handspring armdrag to pull Gallagher off the mat. Carrillo heads up again but this time Gulak shoves him down for the DQ at 8:12.
Result: Humberto Carrillo b. Jack Gallagher via DQ when Drew Gulak interfered (8:12)
Speed vs. technical works every time:

Post match Gulak stays on Carrillo but Gallagher knocks Drew down for the save.
Murphy says he’s getting the title back tonight.
Nese says no he isn’t.
Oney Lorcan is in Drake Maverick’s office when Cedric Alexander interrupts. Cedric says the rematch better be next week and Drake confirms that it is. That’s fine with Lorcan, because Cedric told him that Oney was the future of the division. Next week, he’s getting rid of Alexander.
Cruiserweight Title: Buddy Murphy vs. Tony Nese
Nese is defending after winning the title two days earlier. They take turns shoving each other around until Murphy goes with a headlock for the most basic of advantages. That goes nowhere so Nese shoves him down and gets two off a knee lift. Another toss into the corner has Buddy holding his knee so the referee holds Nese back. It is in fact goldbricking as Nese gets sent into the post to put him in trouble.
Murphy throws him over the announcers’ table and a knee to the head gets two on the champ. After a suplex gets two, Nese fights back with left hands but gets backdropped out to the floor. One heck of a running flip dive takes Nese down again and it’s off to the chinlock. Nese drives him into the corner for the save and knocks Murphy off the top into the barricade for a heck of a crash. That means a running flip dive from Nese and some more trips into the barricade.
Back in and a super hurricanrana gives the champ two and the springboard moonsault with Murphy in the ropes is good for the same. A sitout pumphandle powerslam gets a third two but Murphy is right back with a superkick to catch Nese in the corner. That means a heck of a sitout powerbomb but the knee is countered into a suplex to send Murphy into the corner this time. They fight to the apron with Murphy hitting his own knee to the face, leaving Nese mostly dead.
Murphy goes for a powerbomb but has to break the count, allowing Nese to backdrop him onto the announcers’ table (which contains a pancake). That’s still not enough for a countout as Murphy slides back in and hits a powerbomb faceplant for two more. Murphy’s Law gets the same and Murphy is stunned. A pair of knees to Nese’s face just fires him up enough to hit a reverse hurricanrana, setting up a pair of running knees to finish Murphy at 20:03.
Result: Tony Nese b. Buddy Murphy – Running knee in the corner (20:03)
How to establish the champ:

A bunch of replays wrap us up.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.
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