This Sunday, Kevin Owens will take part in a fatal-four way match for the Intercontinental Championship against Cesaro, the defending champion The Miz, and Sami Zayn. However, the match may...
It was announced a few weeks back that The Beast Incarnate would be returning to the ring for a WWE live event in Hawaii on June 29th. This past Monday night,it...
In less than two weeks, Kevin Owens will take part in a fatal-four way match for Intercontinental Championship at “Extreme Rules”. He’ll be facing Sami Zayn, Cesaro, and The Miz...
During tonight’s Raw, a commercial aired locally in Hawaii for the event and a dream match was announced for the event and it’s going to be incredible. The commercial announced that for...
It was rumored over the weekend that WWE was planning a fatal four-way match for the Intercontinental Championship at “Extreme Rules.” In that scenario, The Miz would defend the IC...