It has now officially been a year since 205 Live was introduced to the WWE Universe. It is safe to say that through its duration thus far, it has generated a mixture of both positive and negative responses by fans.
Via the Fan Council, WWE have now introduced a survey to mark the milestone and gauge current fan interest in the show.
The questions listed in the survey, courtesy of WrestlingInc, are as follows:
- How familiar are you with a weekly WWE Network show called WWE 205 Live? (Very familiar, somewhat familiar, A little bit familiar, Heard of but do not know much about, Never heard of WWE 205 Live)
- How often, if ever, do you watch WWE 205 Live? (Regularly watch, Occasionally watch, Used to watch but do not any more, Have never watched)
- How have you watched WWE 205 Live? (Using someone else’s WWE Network subscription, Using my WWE Network subscription, Viewing social media sites, Viewing segments/episodes on YouTube, Viewing segments on or WWE app, Viewing segments/episodes on non-WWE websites, Other)
- How do you primarily watch WWE 205 Live on WWE Network? (Watch on demand, Watch live)
- Why have you not watched or are not regularly watching WWE 205 Live? (Busy when the show initially airs and forget to watch at a later time, Matches are repetitive, Announce team is not that interesting, Prefer watching other weekly WWE shows instead, Watching cruiserweight matches on other WWE shows is enough for me, WWE Cruiserweight Superstars on that show are not that interesting, WWE 205 Live slips my mind/I forget to watch, WWE Cruiserweight Superstars do not have a significant role in WWE pay-per-view events/RAW, Not interested in a WWE Cruiserweight division, Watch enough WWE shows and do not have time)
- Of the following reasons, what is the primary reason why you have not watched (or are not regularly watching) WWE 205 Live? (WWE Cruiserweight Superstars do not have a significant role in WWE pay-per-view events/RAW)
- In your own words, please share why you have not watched or are not regularly watching WWE 205 Live?
- If WWE Superstars from RAW or SmackDown were to engage more frequently with WWE Cruiserweight Superstars on the WWE 205 Live show, how would this impact your viewing of WWE 205 Live? (Much more likely to watch, Somewhat more likely to watch, No impact, Somewhat less likely to watch, Much less likely to watch)
- How interested are you in watching the following WWE weekly shows? (Monday Night RAW, WWE NXT, WWE 205 Live, WWE SmackDown – Very interested, Somewhat interested, A little bit interested, Not at all interested, Don’t know)
- How often do you watch the following WWE weekly shows? (Monday Night RAW, SmackDown, NXT – Every week, 2 of 3 weeks per month, Once per month, Once every other month, Less often than once every other month, Do not watch)
If you don’t watch 205 Live and want to get an example of what you could expect from it, you could check out the video we have provided below from the show last night, which features ‘Gentleman’ Jack Gallagher against Kalisto.

Kalisto vs. Gentleman Jack Gallagher: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2017
Are you a fan of 205 Live? How can they improve the show and Cruiserweight brand?
Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995. We also want to remind you that we have a Newsletter you can sign up to. This will allow us to send you the best news in one place via an email. We also have the Wrestling Rumors app that we encourage you all to download to get updates faster than they release on our various pages. It is available on Android and iOS devices.