This hilarious video shows Heenan attempting to con his way into the very first episode of ‘Raw’ as it is being taped in The Manhattan Center. He is disguising himself as a Jewish man wanting to see his nephew who needs him inside the building.
We highly recommend watching this absolutely rib-hurting video in remembrance of the great Heenan and we are sure that you will remember this short clip for the remainder of the day.
We also uploaded a video of Heenan golfing in a hilarious segment with ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund if that interests you. You can find that here.
What are your favorite memories of Heenan? Which current day superstar would you have liked to see him support? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995. We also want to remind you that we have a Newsletter you can sign up to. This will allow us to send you the best news in one place via an email. We also have the Wrestling Rumors app that we encourage you all to download to get updates faster than they release on our various pages. It is available on Android and iOS devices.