Impact Wrestling found a resurgence over the past year. With new management in the form of Scott D’Amore and Don Callis and a new crop of talent, Impact began their rise back to prominence.

Throughout this time, Impact was a focal point of programming every Thursday night for the Pop TV channel. Despite seemingly being in a good place with Pop TV, Impact was told they needed a new home because the channel would not renew their contract.

The Pursuit HD channel- which is partially owned by Impact owners Anthem managed to keep television going after the contract with Pop TV abruptly ended. Sadly, the Pursuit HD channel is available in far fewer homes and resulted in Impact being offered live on Twitch.

So why did Pop TV drop Impact?

Pop TV President Bradley Schwartz was recently interviewed by Deadline. One of the topics Schwartz discussed was why Impact was let go by the channel.

Schwartz confirmed that Impact was one of their biggest shows and offered them two hours of original content on a Thursday night every week of the year.

That said, Schartz notes that the company wanted to focus on specific content for their brand and expectation. Shows like Flack, Schitt’s Creek and Florida Girls. Impact didn’t fit the brand and, unfortunately, had to be cut.

Here is what he had to say:

“Yes, we had a wrestling show every Thursday night, which by the way was one of our 10 highest-rated shows on the network. They wanted to keep going, obviously.”

“It was two hours of original content every Thursday night, 52 weeks a year that would do 400 thousand-500 thousand viewers every Thursday night.”   

“We had to really start focusing on brand and expectation, and I think if you’re going to pitch yourself and tell audiences that you’re this place for premium content, Schitt’s Creek, Flack, Florida Girls, this type of stuff, then people need to know what to expect from you when they come to the channel.”

Moving forward, Impact will continue to air their programming on the Pursuit HD and Twitch channels. Despite Anthem having a stake in the ownership of Pursuit, it is also necessary to point out that Impact does not match the brand of that channel. Pursuit HD is focused on the outdoors as opposed to sports and entertainment.

Editor’s Note:

I hope that Impact finds a better location for their weekly programming. I do, however, like that they offer the product on Twitch. For international viewers who do not have access to American and Canadian channels, I feel it is a necessity for the growth and exposure of their product.

While you’re here, you might be interested in hearing about a WWE Superstar who is potentially teasing his exit from the company. Read about that here.

Did you watch the show on Pop TV? What interests you and doesn’t interest you about the product?

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