Former Impact Wrestling star Alberto El Patron was interviewed by Sporting News where he explained his actions in no-showing the Impact Wrestling vs. Lucha Underground WrestleCon show which resulted in his release from the company.

On why he no-showed the event:

Patron first explained himself for not showing up to the Impact Wrestling vs. Lucha Underground event.

“I had a family situation that I needed to attend (to). As you know, my family, my kids are my priority. The situation was involving them and that’s why I decided to take care of business and take care of my family situation. And that’s all that happened. And that comes to what I was just saying to you. I know people wanted to know absolutely everything. This only concerns my family: my parents, my sister, myself and my kids. And that’s the way it’s going to stay.”

On how he is coping:

Patron also explained how he is holding up after everything.

“I’m fine. Of course, it’s difficult because it’s never good to go that way. Our relationship wasn’t pretty good or completely good. And this was just something that ended up breaking it. I’m fine, I guess. I’m going to do what I was planning on doing, as everybody knows I planning on leaving the pro wrestling business in the next year. I have said it several times over and over. And it’s because of some of these things where everybody thinks they can get their nose into your business. Is it right to know absolutely everything about you? It’s not.

“I’m just going to continue to do that and doing my stuff here, in Mexico like exactly how I was doing it and sometime next year and say goodbye to the pro wrestling business.”

Before all of this went down, Patron spoke with Josh Matthews and Sonjay Dutt at Wrestlecon. Here what he had to say below:

Alberto El Patron and Josh Mathews at Wrestlecon 2018

What are your thoughts on his response? Do you believe him?

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