Angelina Love and Davey Richards are reportedly no longer married. This comes after an Instagram post from Love where she announced she was no longer married to Richards, also changing her description on the platform to read “Single Mama, Wrestler, 1st Ever 6x Knockouts Champion, Medical Esthetician, Actress & Student.”
The two began dating back in January 2015 and were married in June of that year. After Love fell pregnant, the coiple had their first child, David Vincent Richards, in March of 2016.
Richards first announced his departure from Impact Wrestling back in July, with Love being granted her release the following month.
If you’re interested in watching the couple in action before they ended their relationship, we suggest watching the Street Fight between Eddie Edwards and Richards, former tag team partners, on Impact.

Street Fight: Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards | IMPACT Feb. 16th, 2017
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