The film, created by Paramount Pictures & Platinum Dunes is based on the adventures of video-game protagonist Duke Nukem. While we know the rating will be for more mature audiences, we are unsure at this time if the movie will have a completely original plot or if it will be based on one of the video-games in the series.
Producer Andrew Form spoke to Cinema Bland about Cena’s addition to the movie. He clarified that Cena has yet to read the script, but if he likes it, he is their guy.
“Yeah, that’s what we’re working with now. He [Cena] is. Yes. We don’t have a script yet, so that is confirmed at this point but if he reads the script and he doesn’t like the script I’m sure there are ways that he could pull out, but right now he’s our guy.”
Form also explained the struggles that come with the Duke Nukem character, as any fan of the franchise will be familiar with.
“You know that having a misogynistic guy in today’s world, how do you make that fun and lovable and at the same time he’s got to be an incredible badass, so those are the things that we’re struggling with and we’re going to try and come out with what I hope is a really fun ride. That’s the goal, is for it to be a really fun ride.”
In speaking with Screen Rant, Cena claims he is honored to be attached to the project.
“I think that’s the direct attachment and I’m very honored to be attached to that but that is a very fragile franchise. That was one that was very timeline specific, that is the 1990s to the hilt. So, once again, it reflects upon a story.The story has to come in dead-on balls, man. Like it has to come in told correct, told in a palatable sense for this generation, which you’re walking on eggshells…you can’t not be Duke Nukem, but you can’t make the wrong move…so I’m…what a blessing to be attached to that, a name like that, and I just hope development does the franchise justice.”
The most recent Duke Nukem game, titled ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ had mixed to negative reviews, though was credited with some fantastic laughable or interesting moments in the game. Take a look at some of the game highlights below. Be cautioned on the language as it may not be suitable for everyone.
Did you ever play the original games? Does this movie interest you?
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