Sometimes society is far too sensitive. Too often news circuits feel the need to make stories out of absolutely nothing. Case in point, the situation that developed after Lana’s promo at “Battleground.” Did she say anything offensive? No, she did not. She talked about current events and stated her opinion (well, her scripted, “fake” opinion) on them. Believe me you will hear FAR worse things on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. However, since they are “news” reporters, and I use that term very lightly, they can get away with it. We can make movies about killing terrorists and horrific events like 9/11, but a wrestling manager can’t make a promo about current events? At best her promo very broadly touched on current events, and really touched more on older topics like the War in Iraq. Below is a transcript of her promo at “Battleground.”

Shut. Shut up. You Americans and your propaganda machine, you blame Russia for the recent current events. When in fact you Americans should scolded for your war mongoling in Afghanistan and Iraq. You Americans should be insulted and afraid. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You always jam your western civilization and your so called ‘democracy’ down everybody’s throats. You Americans are leaderless. We call your president a wuss. Unlike our true leader, Vladimir Putin. A man that takes responsibilities, stands up for what he believes in, and isn’t afraid to say the truth. Tonight, Rusev will crush you. He will crush each and every single one of you. Rusev will crush Jack Swagger!”

Seriously, that’s what people are angry about? The same people who are up in arms say far worse things on a daily basis. Let’s just be honest, in today’s ratings driven world, there are very few, if any, true news reporters. They pick the stories that they believe will get the highest ratings, period. Not what is most important or relevant, but what they think will get people to watch. Go to CNN right now, I almost guarantee they will have the caption “Breaking News” or “Crisis” on the screen right now. They almost always do. Majority of the time it is neither breaking, nor a crisis. They find something they think they can turn in to a story and exaggerate what happened, and let’s be honest they all hate wrestling.

A few months ago, after the unfortunate passing of The Ultimate Warrior, I wrote a piece on the perception of steroid use among the media. The bias that the media shows against wrestling is astounding. Majority of their mindsets is from the early 1990’s. They believe people still think wrestling is real and everyone is on steroids. The national news media outlets view wrestling as beneath them, and that the fan base is a bunch of unintelligent rednecks. Do I come across as unintelligent or a redneck? Don’t think so. They came across Lana’s promo at “Battleground” and knew they could get their vastly uneducated, in terms of wrestling knowledge, fan base up in arms over what Lana said, and sadly it worked.

I was glad to see the WWE’s statement in reaction to the negative press they have received. Essentially, the WWE told everyone to screw off. Rightly so, they did not reference the plane getting shot down, and if you aren’t familiar with the Rusev and Lana characters you’re taking Lana’s statement out of context. I guess it’s too much to ask news reporters to do a little research and present the whole story, rather then just one statement.

I truly hope the WWE does not back down and continues the feud between Jack Swagger and Rusev. Outside of the Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose feud, this is my favorite feud going on in the WWE. It feels so organic and everyone involved is benefiting and working off each other. Lana and Zeb Colter are feeding off each other perfectly, and Rusev and Swagger are delivering the physicality. Go back and watch Lana’s promo at “Battleground.” She builds it perfectly for the entrance of Swagger and Colter. Lana works that crowd up in to a frenzy so when they hear the music of “The Real Americans” they go insane. This feud has been so good, and it’s so simple. US vs. THEM. Swagger is over with the crowd like he has never been before, and Rusev is becoming one of the top heels in the WWE. New eyes are on this feud, and the WWE must not back down, two careers may very well be on the line.

One of my favorite comedians is Christopher Titus. In one of specials he said people like Glenn Beck, Nancy Grace, Anderson Cooper, and numerous other “news” reporters are the new terrorists because they instill fear in to their viewers and change how they live their lives on a daily basis. I wouldn’t go as far as to say they are terrorists, but far too many “news” reporters are more concerned with ratings, rather then reporting the facts. What’s more important, Lana’s promo at “Battleground” or that almost three hundred people lost their lives and a war is on the verge of taking place? It’s time to get their priorities straight, and not focusing on wrestling, a world they will never understand.

“News” Reporters, you have been Burned!

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