In a new excerpt of extra footage shot for the June 10 edition of “WrestleMania Rewind,” WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels defends John Cena and his accomplishments. The match that will be highlighted during the episode is Michaels vs. Cena from WrestleMania 23.
Michaels begins by acknowledging that Cena was being built as the face of the company during this time, and that everyone was aware of this fact. He also states that when you’re being built like that, sometimes the fans just want to rebel against the system, which is why some fans chant, “You can’t wrestle,” to Cena when he obviously can. Michaels goes on to note that there have been many of people that have worked for WWE and not been able to wrestle, but no one chained that at them. Why? Because it’s not a matter of if Cena can or cannot wrestle, it’s a matter of rebellion against what the system wants vs. what the fans want.
With this, Michaels feels like Cena gets a raw deal as a performer and as a talent for WWE. He believes that Cena is a hard worker and deserves everything he has achieved. You can watch Michaels reflect on WrestleMania 23 and defend John Cena in the video below.
Editor’s Note:
Shawn Michaels is a legend. He’s also right. Cena does get a bad rap a lot of the time just because fans are tired of the same ol’ same ol’. It’s not that the guy can’t perform, it’s just that it’s the same ol’ thing he’s done for the last 10 years.