Kofi Kingston was recently interviewed by Canton Rep, to promote WWE’s upcoming show in Canton, Ohio this coming Monday. He discussed a number of topics, including what makes The New Day so successful, superstars reinventing themselves, future plans and more.
Below are some highlights from the interview:
On the origins of The New Day:
“From the very inception of New Day, we told Vince McMahon no matter what he gave us we would be able to make it work, because we believe in the chemistry we had.”
“Going back and forth with Vince, we had a very different idea of what we wanted it to be,” Kingston said. “The idea he came back with, we said, ‘OK, he’s really gonna test us on this guarantee we gave him of making anything he gave us work.’”
“Even back when we were villains and we were doing these dastardly things, people were entertained by it,” Kingston said. “I don’t know how you go from that to Booty-O’s cereal, ice cream, unicorn horns and pancakes, but here we are. We’re just three guys who like to go out there and have fun at all costs.”
Q. Why does The New Day work so well? To what do you attribute the group’s success and positive reaction?
A. “The stars aligned, and our chemistry is unbelievable. When we go out there, we’re having genuine fun. We’re not just characters going out there acting like it; it’s actual fun we’re having, and people feel that energy and want to be a part of it. We’ve been traveling together for almost five years now, and we’ve never gotten into a fight ever. We all have the same interests and same hobbies, and we all want to be the best and at the forefront of sports entertainment in WWE. We’re fortunate to be in that position.”

A New Day is coming: Raw, Nov.3, 2014
Q. How important is it for wrestlers/sports entertainers to constantly reinvent themselves?
A. “I think people get tired of seeing the same thing. As far as entertainment is concerned, we don’t have an offseason. You see us out there every single week. If you come out and keep doing the same thing, eventually people will get tired of it. Even legends in our business like HHH or Steve Austin or the Rock or Daniel Bryan, they’ve all had a wide spectrum of characters. If you want to stay in this industry, you have to be able to adjust and keep people’s attention and change it up when the time is right.”
Q. You’ve been with WWE for about 12 years now. Where do you see yourself in the next decade or so?
A. “Who knows, man. Who knows. I’m just trying to do this as long as I can. I’m still having a lot of fun. Being with Woods and Big E is definitely the most fun I’ve had in my career. I was talking to E about it the other day, and I said, ‘I thought I was having fun the first six years of my career.’ Then I met the New Day, and I realize what having fun actually means. It’s been amazing with these guys. We’re always looking for different ways to keep our finger on the pulse of pop culture and implement that in what we say and how we entertain. I can’t tell you where the future is gonna go, but I can tell you it will be fun.”
They also discuss his influences growing up, not talking in the first half of his career and more.
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