Current WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose was recently interviewed by The Sun, and discussed a number of items. Most notably, was what it would cost for him to fight in UFC’s Octagon.

“Give me half-a-million dollars. Put them in the ring, I’ll do it right now, I’ll do it tonight.”

Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz - Intercontinental Championship Match: Raw, May 15, 2016

On a recent mountain biking outing, Ambrose almost lost his life. He flipped 8 feet into the air, and almost missed Wrestlemania 33.

“I’m big into mounting biking. I actually crashed my mountain bike about a week ago very badly.

“I thought I was going to die. I fell over the handlebars, full on ninja roll, I flew like 8ft into the air.

“I thought I probably shouldn’t be doing this a week before WrestleMania. You have to immediately get back on.

“I crashed on a downhill, you have to just continue. If you stop and think about it too long you’ll psych yourself out.”

Editor’s Note:

The “Lunatic Fringe” is so crazy, that I could actually everything in this report coming true. Now whether he would win or not, that’s another story.

Would you like to see Dean Ambrose in UFC? Leave us a comment below, or post a comment on our Facebook page!



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