Below are some highlights from the interview:
On Jarrett’s release from Impact:
“It’s too bad that we don’t have a good person, a good friend like Jeff Jarrett. He was someone that supported me in the company from the beginning. He was writing some amazing things for me, that amazing story between my family and LAX is one of the storylines that I enjoyed the most in my career since I came to North America,” El Patron said.
“He was the one, also with John (Gaburick) and of course many other people in the company, that came up with that fantastic idea. It’s too bad that we don’t have him again, but of course the business, the company has to move on, go on, and now we’re here in Canada with other people in charge with the same energy, with the same great ideas. And I know with all the new faces in the company, the Mexican wrestlers, the established wrestlers from Impact, and with Alberto El Patron coming back to Impact we’re gonna be doing amazing things and we’re gonna be taking this company to the place where it deserves to be.”

Alberto El Patron Has Arrived | IMPACT March 9th, 2017
On the future of Impact Wrestling:
“Well number-one, Alberto is back! People are going to start watching again (laughs). We have an amazing team of wrestlers working together in Impact Wrestling to make this company what this company deserves to be, to make this company relevant again. And I know with the help of all those wrestlers, the new talent from Mexico, El Patron back in Impact Wrestling, we’re gonna put on amazing shows every single night,” he said. “We’re gonna have amazing TV tapings in the next few days, and people are gonna turn around and they’re gonna turn their TVs on again to watch Impact Wrestling every week. And I promise you this, and you’ll see it, in the moment they announce that Alberto is gonna be there, he’s gonna be facing Bobby (Lashley) or Eli Drake or any other wrestlers on the roster, they’re gonna turn on their TV just to watch it.”
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