Many people have wondered what Lesnar vs. Owens would be like since the latter is one of the few that could really give The Beast Incarnate a decent fight in the...
Last night on Monday Night Raw, Apollo Crews and Cesaro teamed up for the first time to defeat the team of Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus. Crews has been feuding...
We’re now less than three weeks away from the WWE Draft on July 19th, but we still don’t know the answers to some of the biggest questions going into the...
Hulk Hogan’s life has completely changed ever since the trial ended with Gawker. His win in court along with his settlement has made him an extremely wealthy man and done...
Austin Aries is one of the most decorated and experienced wrestlers on the planet. He’s known as “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” for a reason. Of course, he’s had...
Mauro Ranallo has been the voice of SmackDown ever since SmackDown moved to the USA Network. He’s seen a lot of change already, and he’s going to see more in...
Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn is such a rivalry that it has last across three different promotions, and over a decade of each man’s careers. For WWE, Owens vs. Zayn...
Despite the issues from the first round of tapings for the “Cruiserweight Classic,” it was a success, and the series is still highly anticipated when it will finally air in...