In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it is revealed that WWE recently issued a survey to fans, regarding potential DVD projects down the road. In the survey, the company says it is considering DVD releases for WWE Network programs such as, “Legend’s House,” “WWE Countdown,” “The Monday Night War,” and “WrestleMania Rewind,” in addition to E!’s “Total Divas.”
Below are four other projects, which the fans were surveyed on:
1. A three-disc DVD set, which would feature documentary work. The lives of WWE Superstars would be documented in a manner such as Daniel Bryan’s Road to WrestleMania XXX documentary, which aired exclusively on the WWE Network.
2. Long-form biographies, looking at both the professional and personal sides of WWE employees. It would be similar to ESPN’s current “30 for 30” series.
3. “One Man Show-” WWE’s legends would be on stage sharing their unforgettable, intimate stories. The idea was inspired by the current one man shows of two of WWE’s greatest talents, Jim Ross and Mick Foley.
4. “WWE Reveals-” an in-depth look at the most controversial topics of WWE’s past. Possible topics included were: Andy Kaufman vs. Jerry Lawler, the passing of Owen Hart, the XFL, The Kilq’s “Curtain Call,” Mike Tyson’s role in the WWF after leaving jail, and David Stossel being slapped by “Dr. D.” David Schultz.
Editor’s Note
Some of these ideas aren’t that bad, especially “WWE Reveals.” I would love to see an in-depth feature on some of WWE’s most controversial actions, especially the XFL.