Due to WWE’s past financial struggles in 2014, thanks in part to a low amount of subscribers to the WWE Network and lackluster television deal, it is no secret that WWE is looking to cut its budget. The company is reportedly looking to cut $20 million in its budget, and has already made a wide variety of cuts.
On one day alone, the company released 11 of its talent. One of the latest budget cuts will see talent drive from television tapings, instead of being transported in buses. These rumored cuts will reportedly lead to about 30 people in WWE losing their jobs, most from the executive wing.
Justin Labar of Wrestlezone.com has recently published a report on yet another WWE budget cut. This one is a bit more intriguing, as it will affect independent wrestlers. Whenever WWE is on the road, it tends to have independent wrestlers from the area on standby, available for use. The company either handpicks a talent, or goes through formal applications sent in by a wrestler from the area. If accepted, the individual hangs out at the location of the show all day. If the show’s script calls for any extras, the independent wrestlers are used as needed.
The report from the website noted that WWE is cutting the pay these independent wrestlers receive in half, from $200 to $100. Additionally, it is believed that any independent wrestlers that are used in physical spots will have their pay cut as well. Typically, these individuals receive more than the $200 just to be on standby.
Editor’s Note
Yikes. Anything to reach that $20 million mark, eh?
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