While promoting his new book called Best Seat in the House, ex-WWE ring announcer Justin Roberts did an interview with Wrestledelphia.com, where he was asked about his opinion of Triple H, and he didn’t have the kindest of things to say about WWE’s chief operating officer.
“It’s hard when you’re on the outside and you read things,” said Roberts. “We all see that Triple H is this hero among the internet. He’s the guy standing up for the wrestling fans, telling Vince to make this better. For us, internally in the company, we thought there’s a great chance he’ll be on our side and look out for us and try to help. Then you see him come in and clip the wings off certain guys and keep certain guys down. You realize he’s just looking out for himself.”
While there is certainly evidence to back up Roberts’ claim, Triple H has, for the most part, put guys over when he needed to in recent years.

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H - Non-Sanctioned Match: WrestleMania 33 (WWE Network Exclusive)
Do you agree with Roberts, or do you think Triple H is concerned about more than just himself? Let us know in the comments below, or over on Facebook!