Mixed crowd reactions generally are viewed as a negative thing. A lot of people claim it’s bad for the WWE product especially because any booking decision is ultimately going to upset one group or the other.
John Cena is the perfect example because he’s been dealing with that backlash from the WWE fans for roughly a decade now. Half the people boo him, half the people cheer him, but the money keeps coming.
It’s WWE’s philosophy that any reaction is a strong reaction as long as the arena is sold out and the crowd in attendance is saying something. That logic works, but many people complain about it.
The ultimate argument is WWE is pushing John Cena, Roman Reigns or whoever down our throats because he’s being pushed despite being booed out of the building, but I realized it’s not about the crowd reaction.
At this point, the real money maker is that debate from within the WWE Universe about Roman Reigns. Half the fans can boo him while the other side does the opposite, but that debate is everything.

The fact is being universally hated or loved in this business on a mainstream level isn’t easy to do anymore, which is why someone like Charlotte or The Miz should get a lot more credit than they do.
The mixed reaction gets a bad rep because a lot of people still view it as a negative thing, but it’s all about perspective. Frankly, the debate within the WWE fanbase is one of the best things for business.
What do you think about mixed crowd reactions in wrestling?