They don’t have that deep of a bench. Wrestling has changed a lot in recent months with the different promotions all doing whatever they can to keep themselves at their best. That can mean trying something new, offering different options or presenting different talent. Some of these moves have turned out better than others, but everyone is going to have to change something. In one case, a change seems to have been brought on by a wrestler’s actions and it might not go over well.
Earlier this month, Joey Mercury went on a bit of a rampage on Twitter, venting all kinds of problems and issues he had with Ring of Honor management. This included the way that they had treated Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein, who backed up Mercury’s statements with some evidence of her own, including some conversations with management. It turns out things weren’t done just yet for Klein.
Mercury was back on Twitter on Thursday, showing another email from Ring of Honor COO Joe Koff where he told Klein that her time with the company was ending. Klein’s husband BJ Whitmer also tweeted about the situation, saying that Ring of Honor is letting Klein go while she is still suffering from post concussion syndrome. In response, Ring of Honor has issued a statement to, saying that Klein’s contract will not be renewed. There is no word on what this means for the Women of Honor Title, which Klein still holds.
Things have been better for Klein. Check out some of her more positive times in the company:

Opinion: Oh dear this is not going to end well for Ring of Honor. Whether Klein was fired or released or whatever, the company is going to look big and evil in the whole thing and that is not going to sit well. If what Mercury is saying is true, there is not likely to be a ton of sympathy for the corporate side of things. Klein is likely to get a job elsewhere, but this does not look good from Ring of Honor just a few weeks after everything else went down. Things have not looked good there for a long time now and it may be reaching a tipping point.
Will this cause any change in Ring of Honor? Where will Klein end up? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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