Just…why? Last week, some stories started to come out about things Randy Orton has done over the years. To put it mildly, these stories aren’t the most pleasant things in the world and there’s a good chance that nothing good is going to come out of them. It turns out that a lot of these were known in the past and since the internet is everywhere, it’s hard to get away from these stories.
The boot couldn’t be reached for comments.

Ken Kennedy Shoots on Randy Orton (YouShoot)
In a clip from a shoot interview filmed in 2016, Ken Anderson (Mr. Anderson/Kennedy) tells a story about Orton doing something else rather odd. Anderson talks about being alone with Orton in a locker room after everyone else had left the building. With only Anderson in the room, a naked Orton did some questionable things to Anderson’s boot. Anderson pointed out that there was no one around to find it funny, which Orton didn’t seem to mind.
Here are Anderson’s comments:
“One time I was in the locker room. Everyone had left the building and it was just Randy Orton and I in the locker room. He was naked and he had just come out of the shower or something and he was naked.
I remember my boots were sitting there and he kept dipping his c*** into my boot. I was like, ‘What are you doing?’ He was like ding just dipping his balls and his c*** into my boot.
He used to do stuff like this and we’d be riding in the car and I’d be like, ‘Randy, there’s no one else around to find that funny.”
Opinion: The reaction to these Orton stories are going to get interesting in a hurry as no matter how long ago they took place, they’re going to be received very badly. I don’t know if Orton is going to get in serious trouble over them but you can imagine he’s going to have to respond to them in some way, even if it’s just a big apology, saying that he’s a changed man after all these years.
What do you think of the Orton stories? Will Orton be fired over them? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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