I never knew I didn’t need to hear this. There are some wrestlers who aren’t exactly public figured. Dean Ambrose is known for rarely talking about his personal life. The Sheik was legendary for his keeping of kayfabe. Then there’s the Undertaker, who has only started giving out of character interviews in the last few years. That’s what made something over the weekend all the more weird.
Over the weekend, Braun Strowman made a post on Instagram, showing him standing with his grandparents, who were seeing him wrestle for the first time. The photo showed the three of them standing in the ring together in Madison, Wisconsin. Various wrestlers commented on the photo, with names like Matt Hardy and Nia Jax offering standard congratulations. The Undertaker left the following comment:
“I know what they were probably doing after the show…”
We’ll move away from that and onto anything else. Check out the two of them fighting on Monday Night Raw a few years back:

Opinion: What in the world am I supposed to say to that? First of all, can someone please help me get my head around the idea that the Undertaker is on Instagram? And now he’s making what seems to be a sex joke about Strowman’s grandparents? It’s certainly not a horrible thing or even anything controversial in the slightest….but it’s the Undertaker making sex jokes on Instagram.
What do you think of this? Which is weirder: Undertaker on social media or Undertaker making a sex joke? Let us know in the comments below.