Not in the plan. There are a lot of things that come together to make a wrestling match work but one of the most important aspects is appealing to emotion. If wrestlers can make the fans care about what they are doing, the match will be much stronger as a result. That can come in a variety of ways, and it seems to have come again at a match that came on a pretty big stage.
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Back at Survivor Series, Santos Escobar defeated Dragon Lee. During the match, Escobar attempted to rip off Lee’s mask and managed to tear it. Escobar appeared on a recent edition of the Wrestling With Freddie podcast and revealed that the spot was not planned. He explained that the spot was “just the heel in me coming out” and spoke about how it’s important to make the audience feel something.
It was an intense match. Check out their showdown, plus Escobar elsewhere:

Opinion: This is something that you see happen every so often and it can make things a lot better. That seems to be the case here, as Escobar tried something different to see if it would help. I’m sure he and Lee spoke about this later, but it did help boost the match up a bit as Escobar looked like a lot more of a villain. Escobar has a lot of potential and I could go for seeing him get to showcase that heel side of him even more.
What did you think of the match? What is next for Escobar in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.
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