Monday Night Raw
Date: February 27, 2017
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton
It’s the go home show for Fastlane and that could mean a few things. This show could range from entertaining to a mess and any point in between. Goldberg will be here tonight and there are rumors of Seth Rollins and Ric Flair making appearances as well. Either way it’s the last Raw before we get to the pre-Wrestlemania season so let’s get to it.

Kevin Owens confronts Goldberg: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Here’s Goldberg to get things going. He thanks the fans for their chants but gets straight to the point: he’s winning the title at Fastlane with his son cheering him on. This brings out Kevin Owens to say what he really thinks about Goldberg. When he got to this company, Owens promised to grab this company by the throat and show WWE what he was really about.
Then he beat John Cena in his first match, followed by beating Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles, Seth Rollins and the Big Dog himself, Roman Reigns. Now why should Goldberg be any different? Goldberg likes the speech and wants to fight right now but Owens doesn’t think Green Bay deserves to see him fight. They’ll fight on Sunday and the Goldberg chants die.

The Shining Stars fall victim to an Oscar-worthy blunder: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Here’s New Day for a chat. They’ve got a lot on their plates by hosting Wrestlemania, but we need to be concerned with what’s in our bowls. New Day knows the fans want something else and that means ice cream. They even know what the name is going to be: New Day Pops. First though, they need to face the Shining Stars.
Cue Primo and Epico…..but someone hands Woods an envelope. It turns out that the Shining Stars’ match is later tonight against Big Show. Instead, the envelope says “Rusev and Jinder Mahal”.
New Day vs. Rusev/Jinder Mahal

The New Day vs. Rusev & Jinder Mahal: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Woods headscissors Mahal down and we hit the Honor Roll for good measure. Big E. gets in a splash as we take a break. Back with Woods not being able to get over Rusev for the hot tag. The slow beating continues and Woods’ crossbody is easily caught. He does manage an enziguri though and there’s the hot tag to Big E. Everything breaks down with Big E. cleaning house. A blind tag brings in Woods for a high crossbody but Rusev makes the save. Kofi and Lana get in an argument on the floor to distract Rusev, leaving Woods to grab a rollup for the pin on Mahal at 9:43.
Result: New Day b. Rusev/Jinder Mahal – Rollup to Mahal (9:43)
Rusev and Mahal argue post match.
We look back at Enzo Amore and Big Cass becoming #1 contenders.
Enzo is really fired up about the idea of becoming champions because he gets his name on the belt. Cass thinks he needs to chill a bit but says they’ll win.

Samoa Joe and Cesaro reignite their rivalry: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Cesaro and Sheamus want their titles back when Samoa Joe comes up to say Cesaro will never figure things out. Joe: “You mad bro?” Cesaro doesn’t like the brass ring jokes and says all Joe does is carry HHH’s jockstrap. A match seems to be made for later.

Stephanie McMahon gets brutally honest with Mick Foley: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Stephanie is annoyed at someone for bad dictation when Mick Foley comes in. She wants to apologize but it turns into rant about how Foley doesn’t live up to his old stature.
We look at Brian Kendrick beating Akira Tozawa last week and Kendrick talks about Tozawa rejecting his offer to be the newcomer’s mentor.
Akira Tozawa vs. Noam Dar

Akira Tozawa vs. Noam Dar: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Dar gets kicked in the chest to start and the backsplash gets two. A fake out lets Tozawa nail him again but Alicia Fox offers a distraction. That sets up some arm work but Tozawa sends him outside for a suicide headbutt. Back in and the snap German suplex puts Dar away at 2:59.
Result: Akira Tozawa b. Noam Dar – German suplex (2:59)
Post match Kendrick jumps Tozawa from behind and talks about how Tozawa needs to learn his lessons.
Mick Foley is upset when Samoa Joe comes in and needles him about not having a nice day. Foley doesn’t want to hear it because he sees Joe as a puppet for HHH. Joe doesn’t like that so Foley makes Joe vs. Cesaro for later tonight.
Charlotte/Dana Brooke vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks

Charlotte Flair vows to embarrass Bayley in front of her father at WWE Fastlane: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Before the match, Charlotte talks about how Bayley is willing to go to any degree to take what she wanted because she has everyone fooled. Charlotte calls Bayley a one hit wonder but here’s Bayley to cut her off. Bayley talks about dreams and moving on from this one. Next up for her is walking into Wrestlemania as Women’s Champion but Charlotte says there’s a long way to go before then. Sasha Banks comes out to say Charlotte has a stupid face and is jealous of the champ. More importantly, there’s a tag match tonight. Charlotte says there is but with a little change in the lineup.
Charlotte/Nia Jax vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks

Bayley & Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair & Nia Jax: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Nia throws Sasha around to start and runs her over in the corner as a bonus. It’s off to Bayley who can’t do much with Nia either but some right hands in the corner do enough good. Nia clotheslines Bayley’s head off though and the beating begins in the corner. That doesn’t last much longer either and it’s back to Banks vs. Charlotte with Sasha taking over. Dana tries to interfere on the floor and gets a Bayley to Belly for her efforts.
Back from a break with Sasha trying to fight back against Nia and getting headbutted away. Charlotte misses a charge though and the hot tag brings in Bayley to clean house. Everything breaks down again and Bayley tries a choke on Nia. That goes nowhere though and a Charlotte distraction lets Nia run Bayley over. Nia drops the big leg to pin the champ at 12:20.
Result: Nia Jax/Charlotte b. Bayley/Sasha Banks – Legdrop to Bayley (12:20)
Braun Strowman demands Foley give him a contact signing with Roman Reigns tonight. Foley agrees but basically guarantees a fight will break out.
Luke Gallows vs. Big Cass

Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Gallows kicks him in the face to start and easily breaks out of a chokeslam. Another kick puts Cass on one knee and Corey says he’s not seven feet tall anymore. Cass makes his comeback and watches Enzo send Anderson into the steps. A big boot ends Gallows at 2:43.
Result: Big Cass b. Luke Gallows – Big boot (2:43)
The announcers hype the WWE Network turning three years old.

Titus O'Neil wants to team up with his fellow Irishman: Raw Exclusive, Feb. 27, 2017
Earlier today, Titus O’Neil and Sheamus got in a fight at catering.
Titus O’Neil vs. Sheamus

Sheamus vs. Titus O'Neil: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Titus jumps Sheamus before the bell and throws him inside for the official start. The Brogue Kick ends O’Neil in 17 seconds.
We get a long video on the long history of HHH making Seth Rollins. They’ve been together for years but then Rollins hurt his knee which HHH referred to as dropping the ball. Rollins is injured but the question is can he get back in time.

After harsh words from Triple H, Seth Rollins swears to return for WrestleMania: Raw Feb. 27, 2017
Here’s Rollins, on crutches, for a sitdown interview with Corey Graves. He doesn’t know where he is mentally now but it seems that he’s in Chicago because we get a CM PUNK chant. It’s loudly booed though and Seth can get back to the point. He’s not sure if he can continue at this point and as of right now, the doctors haven’t cleared him for Wrestlemania.
This brings out HHH and Samoa Joe with the former talking about how Rollins has no idea what he’s doing here. HHH knows Rollins isn’t going to Wrestlemania because that’s how he is. It was HHH who handed him the title and then Rollins bit the hand that feeds him. Rollins didn’t mind reaping the benefits along the way but now he’s treating HHH like this. Seth needs to make the right decision and not come to Wrestlemania because HHH is done playing with him. If Rollins shows up there, it’s the last thing he’ll ever do in a WWE ring. HHH goes to leave but Seth cuts him off and says he’ll be in Orlando and it’s going to be the last thing HHH ever does.
Big Show vs. Shining Stars

Big Show vs. The Shining Stars - 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Double teaming actually puts Show down for a bit before he shrugs the cousins off. A KO Punch and chokeslam wrap things up at 1:48.
Result: Big Show b. Shining Stars – Chokeslam to Primo (1:48)

WWE honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during Black History Month: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Black History Month video on Martin Luther King Jr.
Neville tells Tony Nese that the purpose of tonight’s tag match is to put Jack Gallagher in his place before Sunday. Nese basically says he’s in this for himself.
Austin Aries video package.
Jack Gallagher/TJ Perkins vs. Tony Nese/Neville

"Gentleman" Jack Gallagher & TJ Perkins vs. Neville & Tony Nese: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Neville kicks TJ off the apron at the bell but gets bulldogged by TJ. Nese gets rolled up for two and it’s off to Gallagher as things speed up a bit. The headbutt puts Neville on the floor and it’s the Detonation Kick into the running corner dropkick for Nese. Jack takes Nese down with something like a seated abdominal stretch while kicking Nese in the face for the tap out at 1:58.
Result: Jack Gallagher/TJ Perkins b. Tony Nese/Neville – Seated abdominal stretch to Nese (1:58)

Beth Phoenix joins the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2017
Beth Phoenix Hall of Fame video.

Stephanie McMahon reveals Sasha Banks' WWE Fastlane opponent: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
Bayley and Sasha are icing their injuries from earlier. Sasha is going to be in Bayley’s corner on Sunday but Stephanie adds Banks vs. Jax to Fastlane.
Samoa Joe vs. Cesaro

Cesaro vs. Samoa Joe: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
They take turns driving each other into the corner and Cesaro tweaks his knee. He tries to muscle through it until Joe goes after the knee to take over as we take a break. Back with Cesaro muscling Joe up into a suplex and countering a kneebar attempt. Cesaro hits that reverse Angle Slam move of his and gets two off a double stomp. Joe breaks up the springboard uppercut though and kicks at the knee, setting up the Rock Bottom for the pin at 7:45.
Result: Samoa Joe b. Cesaro – Rock Bottom (7:45)
Post match Joe says it doesn’t matter who comes against the Destroyer because he’s taking them apart. This brings out Sami Zayn for the brawl until the referees break it up.

Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman sign their WWE Fastlane contract: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017
It’s time for the contract signing with Mick Foley running the show. Strowman doesn’t think much of him and says he would have respected him back in the day when Foley was competition. Foley finally snaps and yells at Strowman, basically threatening to get physical because he’s still a legend, even if he won’t be the General Manager that much longer.
Cue Reigns to start the fight, which quickly heads into the crowd. Strowman beats on him even more until Reigns spears him through the barricade and a security guard in the process. Back in and Reigns stops to sign the contract but gets sent into the corner so hard that the top rope breaks. Strowman leaves and Reigns signs to end the show.
New Day b. Rusev/Jinder Mahal – Rollup to Mahal
Akira Tozawa b. Noam Dar – German suplex
Nia Jax/Charlotte b. Sasha Banks/Bayley – Legdrop to Bayley
Big Cass b. Luke Gallows – Big boot
Sheamus b. Titus O’Neil – Brogue Kick
Big Show b. Shining Stars – Chokeslam to Primo
Jack Gallagher/TJ Perkins b. Tony Nese/Neville – Seated abdominal stretch to Nese
Samoa Joe b. Cesaro – Rock Bottom
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