Date: September 20, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

This week should be centered around the fallout from last week with the Undisputed Era attacking the British contingent, which could set up a heck of a six man tag somewhere down the line. Other than that we need to find out where the NXT Champion Drew McIntyre ties into this as well. Let’s get to it.

In Memory of Bobby Heenan.

Opening sequence.

Johnny Gargano vs. Tino Sabbatelli

Gargano beat Tino’s partner Riddick Moss last week. Tino drives him into the corner and messes with Johnny’s head, earning himself a hard shot to the face. A dropkick takes Johnny down but the fans still think Tino sucks. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Johnny fights up and heads to the apron. The sunset flip is countered into a powerslam but Tino doesn’t cover due to reasons of inexperience. The delay lets Gargano hit a superkick and grab the Gargano Escape for the tap at 3:48.

Result: Johnny Gargano b. Tino Sabbatelli – Gargano Escape (3:48)

William Regal gives Roderick Strong a title shot in two weeks.

We look at Asuka vacating the Women’s Title.

Sonya DeVille says she never fought Asuka because Asuka knew what would happen if they got in the ring. If anyone has a problem with that, they can put their hair up and square up.

Bianca Belair vs. Lacey Evans

Belair wastes no time in taking Lacey down and slowly stomping away with a cocky attitude as a bonus. Evans bails to the floor so Belair pulls on the arms for a bit. Back in and Evans takes her down and gets two off a legdrop as the fans aren’t the most interested in this so far. Some clothesline and a slingshot Bronco Buster have Belair in trouble and the backflip into a splash gets two. Belair whips her with the hair and hits an Alley-Oop (powerbomb but she drops Evans backwards onto her face) for the pin at 4:18.

Result: Bianca Belair b. Lacey Evans – Alley-Oop (4:18)

Here’s Aleister Black for his first promo in the NXT arena. Fifteen years ago, he started a journey that brought him here to NXT. He’s seen a lot of things and he’s put a lot of them on his skin to remember them by. His journey in NXT is just beginning…and here’s Velveteen Dream to cut him off.

Dream says everything that fades to black will one day come to life. Even with all this light surrounding the Dream, he doesn’t see anything in Black. In Black, he sees a man full of woe and skin covered in lies. Black must be afraid of the light but Dream knows that he has a heart, even if it’s in the wrong place. Black kicks him in the face and sits down, only to have Dream drop to his knees right in front of him. Dream crawls backwards to quite the reaction.

We look at Lars Sullivan attacking No Way Jose more than once.

Dakota Kai is new around here but wants to be Women’s Champion.

No Way Jose vs. Lars Sullivan

Jose goes right after him to start but his crossbody has no effect. Some knees to the ribs have Jose out on the floor and Sullivan drives him ribs first into the apron. Back in and we hit the neck crank as this is a squash so far. Jose fights up and jumps on his back for a chinlock but one heck of a shoulder takes him down. Sullivan adds a top rope headbutt, followed by the standing Boss Man Slam to end Jose at 3:11.

Result: Lars Sullivan b. No Way Jose – Standing Boss Man Slam (3:11)

Trent Seven/Tyler Bate vs. Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish

Kyle and Bobby have Adam Cole in their corner. Bate and O’Reilly start things off as we hit the MOUSTACHE MOUNTAIN chant. Tyler spins out of a wristlock and hits a good looking dropkick into a nipup. It’s off to Seven vs. Fish but Kyle won’t let Trent try a big dive. The distraction lets Bobby run him over and it’s time for the knee strikes. Seven’s arms get cranked at the same time and a double kick to the chest gets two.

Trent finally gets in a kick of his own but Kyle breaks up a hot tag attempt. Like any good villain, Cole offers a distraction so Fish can drive Seven into the barricade. Back from a break with Seven still in trouble but being able to escape a fireman’s carry. A hard clothesline is enough for the hot tag to Bate, who comes in with a springboard European uppercut.

Kyle charges into a t-bone suplex and a standing shooting star gets two. Everything breaks down and a belly to back suplex/powerbomb combo is good for two more on Kyle. The Tyler Driver 97 is countered into a guillotine choke though as Fish takes care of Seven. The unnamed Chasing the Dragon gets two on Bate thanks to a foot on the ropes. A second attempt doesn’t work as well as Bate sends them into each other and makes the desperation tag. Seven grabs a half crab on Kyle but Cole takes out Bate. Something like Total Elimination ends Seven at 12:32.

Result: Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish b. Trent Seven/Tyler Bate – High Low to Seven (12:32)

Speaking of McIntyre, here he is to chase off the Undisputed Era, who wind up standing in front of a curtain. Sanity walks through said curtain and the trio bails while Drew stands in the ring to end the show.

Johnny Gargano b. Tino Sabbatelli – Gargano Escape
Bianca Belair b. Lacey Evans – Alley-Oop
Lars Sullivan b. No Way Jose – Standing Boss Man Slam
Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish b. Trent Seven/Tyler Bate – High/Low to Seven


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