And without pads! Wrestling and football are two of the most physically intense sports in the world and as a result, have often gone hand in hand. Football players have wrestled for years with the most famous instance likely being Lawrence Taylor facing Bam Bam Bigelow in the main event of “Wrestlemania XI”. Now we have another name to add to the list.
Opinion: I really hope this isn’t supposed to be one of their major draws. Williams was a big name in the NFL but merely putting them in the ring with no build isn’t going to be that big of a deal. It’s a cool moment but it’s hardly this game changing moment that it’s often treated as. It does help having Moose as a former NFL player as it’s not the biggest stretch. Still though, the match should be fun but I’m not exactly thrilled with the concept.

DeAngelo Williams and Gary Barnidge Get involved in The Action | IMPACT April 27th, 2017
What is your favorite instance of NFL players in wrestling? What’s the worst NFL in wrestling moment you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments below.