Go midwest young men/women. NXT just wrapped up “Takeover: Orlando, which marked the second time they’ve run a major show over Wrestlemania weekend. However, it now seems that they’ll be running another one a lot sooner than expected. With Wrestlemania weekend out of the way, it’s time to look towards the future.

Today on Twitter, Triple H announced that “Takeover: Chicago” will take place on Saturday, May 20, the night before “Backlash 2017”. This will be one of the fastest turnarounds ever between Takeovers with only the time between “Takeover: Brooklyn” and “Takeover: Respect” being shorter.

Opinion: This is a bit of a rush for my tastes as NXT really needs to restock their shelves a bit, especially with the likelihood of so many more names being called up this week on “Monday Night Raw” or “Smackdown Live”. You can assume that Drew McIntyre will be heavily featured and that’s a good thing, though it might be a bit too soon for him.

Fans salute Nakamura after WWE Network cameras stop rolling: NXT Takeover Exclusive, April 1, 2017

Is this too fast of a turnaround for NXT? What do you think headlines the show? Let us know in the comments below.


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