Well it’s been a whole day since someone said something. One of the most active feuds in wrestling is the Hardy Family vs. Impact Wrestling. The Hardys recently left the company, which now claims to own the Broken Universe (though both sides have filed trademarks). This time it’s Matt Hardy’s turn as he’s at it again.
Shows they DO NOT care about the fans. @EdNordholm wants to keep MY creation, the #BROKEN Universe, hostage from fans who wish to see it. https://t.co/AREDlSQ9Qn
Opinion: Unless Impact Wrestling’s goal is to get a big paycheck from WWE out of this, I have no idea why they think this is a good idea. Are we really heading for another Fake Diesel/Fake Razor Ramon but with two low level wrestlers taking the Hardys’ place? Is that really going to bring in new fans? It’s not like there’s any real competition here so wouldn’t it be better to just get a payday and let the Hardys have what they created (but don’t own)?

Matt Hardy vs. Sheamus: Raw, April 24, 2017
Do you think the Hardys will wind up in WWE? Will Impact Wrestling actually try to recreate the Broken act? Let us know in the comments below.