Main Event
Date: April 18, 2019
Location: Bell Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Sam Roberts, Renee Young, Byron Saxton
Can we please get something fresh around here? I’m tired of having this show treated like a salad bar at a low rent pizza place. This week will actually have some recapping to do after the Superstar Shakeup. I would say I don’t know what to expect from the original matches but come on now. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Dana Brooke vs. Tamina
Tamina wastes no time in elbowing Brooke in the face and sending her into the corner. Some kicks to the legs get Dana out of trouble but Tamina throws her outside in a heap. With Sam ripping on Dana every chance he can, Dana comes back in for some shoulders to the ribs. Nia tosses her again and gets two off a slam. The chinlock goes on as Tamina’s amazing veteran offense continues. Dana jawbreaks her way to freedom and hits an enziguri but walks into a powerslam. Tamina lifts her up again but gets reversed into a rollup to give Dana the pin at 5:59.
Result: Dana Brooke b. Tamina – Rollup (5:59)
Puppet in the box vignette.
From Raw.
Lacey Evans vs. Natalya
Natalya starts fast with her belly to back drop and a botch of the step over dropkick to the back. Lacey is sent outside and we take a break. Back with Natalya fighting out of a neck crank but getting sent face first into the middle buckle. The chinlock goes on and Lacey drops a knee to keep her in trouble. Natalya fights up and grabs the Sharpshooter, sending Lacey to the rope, which she makes on the second attempt. After being rammed into the barricade, Lacey is right back with the Woman’s Right. The springboard moonsault finishes Natalya at 9:35.
Result: Lacey Evans b. Natalya – Double springboard moonsault (9:35)
We look at the names moving to Raw.
From Raw.
Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins/??? vs. Drew McIntyre/Bobby Lashley/Baron Corbin
The mystery partner is….AJ Styles. Lashley runs into Seth’s boot to start and it’s Reigns coming in for an uppercut. AJ hits his dropkick and it’s off to McIntyre, which is a heck of a showdown. That sounds a little too fun so here’s Reigns instead, with Drew suplexing him down. Drew sends him outside for a ram into the barricade as Corey talks about Corbin having all the necessary tools.
Back in and Corbin’s chokebreaker gets two as we take a break. We come back with Rollins getting two off a sunset flip to Corbin but it’s too early for the Stomp. Instead the suicide dive is blocked with a right hand and a faceplant gets two. The Blockbuster gets Rollins out of trouble and it’s a hot tag off to AJ to strike away on Lashley. Everything breaks down and some Pele Kicks drop Lashley and Corbin.
The Styles Clash is broken up with a Claymore and McIntyre throws Reigns with a suplex. McIntyre misses another Claymore and falls over the barricade, leaving Lio Rush to catch Styles’ springboard with his spinning Dominator. That’s broken up with the Stomp into a spear, leaving AJ to hit the Phenomenal Forearm to finish Lashley at 12:48.
Result: AJ Styles/Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns b. Baron Corbin/Drew McIntyre/Bobby Lashley – Phenomenal Forearm to Lashley (12:48)
Welcome to your new house:

Heavy Machinery vs. B Team
Otis and Axel start things off with a feeling out process until a rather large headlock has Axel in trouble. For some reason Curtis tries a drop toehold, which fails in every sense of the word. Otis starts dancing and it’s Tucker coming in to help clean house. The Ode to the Bushwhackers sends the B Team outside and we take a break.
Back with Axel DDTing Tucker for two and grabbing the armbar. Dallas drops some knees for two of his own and it’s the B TEAM B TEAM GO GO GO stomps in the corner. Tucker takes him down by the knees though and it’s back to Otis to clean house. The Caterpillar to Dallas sets up the Compactor to Axel for the pin at 9:32.
Result: Heavy Machinery b. B Team – Compactor to Axel (9:32)
From Smackdown to wrap it up.
Here’s Vince McMahon to introduce the biggest acquisition in Smackdown history. He rarely endorses someone but this guy has so much charisma that he’s going to be the biggest star on Smackdown. That would be….Elias (Graves: “I QUIT!”), who likes Smackdown but doesn’t like Montreal. He starts up the guitar and here’s Roman Reigns for the real big move to take Elias out. Vince yells so it’s a Superman Punch for him as well. Reigns declares Smackdown his yard now and hits a spear on Elias to end the show.
Not the best way to meet the boss:

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