There are other signs that this might be working. Check out some hints here.
According to the New York Daily News, Cena and Bella were seen together for the first time since their engagement ended, getting some coffee on Saturday in San Diego. While the two split up just a few weeks ago, Cena has since changed his mind and said that he wants to marry Bella. At the same time though, Bella has said she’s not completely done but needs more time to make sense of everything.
What’s WWE’s take on the situation? Check out their video below.

Are John Cena and Nikki Bella getting back together?: WWE Now
Opinion: Even if the two of them don’t get back together, it’s nice to see that they’re at least on speaking terms. At least it hasn’t turned into a big mess with them both shouting and screaming about how horrible the other is or something ridiculous like that. They’re both adults and even though they’re not having a wedding, at least they can get along. If nothing else it gets them publicity, which seems to be the big end goal of this whole thing anyway.
Do you think Cena and Bella will get back together? Will they both be back in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.