According to, some members of the Impact Wrestling roster are saying they haven’t been paid for the January “Impact Wrestling” tapings. Some of these talents went on to say that they weren’t paid for “Bound For Glory 2017” (held on November 5) or the following “Impact Wrestling” tapings until after Christmas. Impact Wrestling President Ed Nordholm issued the following statement:
“Talent is not behind on their pay. We generally provide for talent to be paid as independent contractors in the month following a month in which services are rendered. This was an improvement over previous management, where talent cheques were issued only as the actual episodes aired (could be as much as 12 weeks after tapings before final instalments were delivered).
We instituted a payment policy last year to pay for all services rendered in a month in the following month, regardless of when the shows would air. Accordingly, cheques for January were mailed earlier mid-month; cheques for November were mailed mid-December (and I understand got caught up in Christmas mail delays).
We realize that one unexpected impact of moving our corporate offices to Canada has been a further delay with mail services going cross-border. We are working to streamline our talent payroll processing so future events will be paid closer to the beginning of each month after services are rendered.”
Don’t remember “Bound For Glory 2017”? Here’s a look back.

The Fallout From Bound For Glory Happens Tomorrow Night on #IMPACTonPop | #Trailer
Opinion: I don’t know if this system is known to the roster and they’re just annoyed that it’s set up this way or if the promotion just keeps having issue after issue, but it doesn’t look good. You rarely (if ever) hear of this from any other promotion and that’s not a good thing to be known for. I’m not sure why this keeps happening but it’s happened so many times that it’s not a good sign whatsoever.
Who do you blame this on? Have you liked Anthem’s time owning the promotion? Let us know in the comments below.