That would be a game changer. For about forty years, Vince McMahon has been at the helm of WWE. Last year, McMahon went away for about five months due to a scandal, only to come back in an effort to sell the company. That could be the biggest change in the history of WWE, but now the question becomes what happens once the move is made. We might know one detail that could be another game changer.
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One of the points of contention of a WWE sale is what would happen to McMahon after the sale was completed. WWE held its fourth quarter earning call earlier this week with CEO Nick Khan taking questions. One reported asked if McMahon would step away from the company if it was in the WWE shareholders’ best interest. Here is Khan’s reply, with transcription courtesy of Fightful:
“Yes. Without question. He’s declared it to the board. He’s declared it to us in management. It’s all about shareholder value. Obviously, he is a shareholder. So it’s not about what role he’ll have. It’s about maximizing that value opportunity.”
McMahon is a potential liability. Check out some of his weirder antics:

Opinion: The more I hear about this sale, the more confusing everything really is. While the McMahon factor is huge, the more important thing is to hopefully have a parent company that just sits there and collects its profits while letting WWE do their thing. That has long since been the better option, and now we get to sit around waiting on the details of both the company, but also McMahon. The latter could be more interesting though, as McMahon is such a wild card.
What do you think of the situation? Who will buy WWE? Let us know in the comments below.
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