If you build it, they’ll stay, at least for a week. After the NBA Finals wrapped up two weeks ago, it was fairly clear that the “Monday Night Raw” audience would come back, at least in part. That did indeed happen, but the question was how much of that audience would stick around for another viewing.

Samoa Joe traps Brock Lesnar in the Coquina Clutch: Raw, June 26, 2017
According to Showbuzz Daily, it seems that they did. This week’s episode of “Monday Night Raw”, drew 2.976 million viewers, down 4% from the previous week’s 3.102 million. Last night’s show was headlined by a six woman gauntlet match for the #1 contendership to the Raw Women’s Title.
Did you like last night’s show? Does anything specifically interest you at the moment? Let us know in the comments below.