205 Live
Date: July 10, 2018
Location: SNHU Arena, Manchester, New Hampshire
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson
It’s time for a title match because this is the only place to air such a thing rather than this Sunday at the pay per view. This week champion Cedric Alexander defends against Hideo Itami, who has gone on a rampage through the show and would be a good choice to take the title. That being said, Drew Gulak is also lurking and would make a lot of sense to win the belt from Cedric. It’s nice to have options so let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
We open with a long recap of Itami’s rise to the top of the division, eventually causing Cedric Alexander to want a title defense against him.
Opening sequence.
Kalisto vs. Tony Nese
Nese is flanked by Buddy Murphy to cancel out the Lucha House Party. Kalisto’s early flips just annoy Nese, who drives him into the corner with raw power. A whip into the corner is countered with a walk on the hands, much to Nese’s frustration. With Kalisto being a bit too fast, Nese slows him down a kick to the ribs, setting up a bodyscissors.
Kalisto fights back up and kicks Nese down again. A springboard crossbody gets two and it’s time to dance. Salida Del Sol is countered into a powerbomb into the corner but Nese misses a charge to put both guys down. The rest of the House Party starts playing their noisemakers and Murphy, being a human, gets annoyed and yells at them. Nese and Kalisto go out as well and the fight is on for the DQ at 6:12.
Result: Kalisto b. Tony Nese via DQ when Buddy Murphy interfered (6:12)
Post match the brawl stays on and the House Party uses its numbers game to clear the villains out.
Kalisto is always fun.

Kalisto vs. Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, July 10, 2018
Drake Maverick welcomes Noam Dar back to the roster but TJP interrupts them. TJP thinks things are way worse around here since Dar left so trash talk ensues. Maverick makes the rematch for next week.Video on Hideo Itami’s rise to being #1 contender.
Lio Rush vs. Colin Delaney
I didn’t recognize Delaney, who has gotten a haircut and grown a beard since his WWE run (which to be fair was about ten years ago). He’s also put on some much size. Akira Tozawa comes out to watch just like Rush did last week. After the bell, Rush goes outside and sets up a chair for Tozawa like a nice gentleman. Back in and Colin gets two off a rollup so Rush speeds things way up and kicks Delaney down. With Delaney on the apron, Rush does a Tajiri handspring to knock him outside as the destruction continues. The frog splash ends Delaney at 1:22.
Result: Lio Rush b. Colin Delaney – Frog splash (1:22)
Post match Tozawa congratulates Rush but asks what he’s done around here. Rush isn’t happy and a fight is teased but Maverick comes out to say the match is on next week.
See if you can keep up with him.

Lio Rush vs. Colin Delaney: WWE 205 Live, July 10, 2018
Video on last week’s great Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy match.Drew Gulak, Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher are going to be watching the main event closely. Gulak is holding the camera and has some advice for the fans: Heed this selfie.
Cruiserweight Title: Hideo Itami vs. Cedric Alexander
Itami is challenging. They fight over a lockup to start and Itami just misses a big kick to the face. Alexander gets all fired up and drives Hideo into the corner for a clean break. Alexander wants Itami to show him something so Itami kicks him in the chest. Well he did ask. The hard kicks give Itami two more as the pace slows down. That means a COME ON and a RESPECT ME, followed by a bodyscissors to keep Alexander in trouble.
Back up and another knee to the ribs gets another two on the champ. More lame shouting and a neckbreaker are good for two so we hit the chinlock to continue Itami’s hard hitting style. Cedric fights up and a springboard Downward Spiral puts Itami on the floor. The big flip dive sets up the Neuralizer for two more but Itami is right back up with his top rope clothesline.
Itami kicks him even more and blasts him in the face with a right hand. That’s enough frustration and it’s time to take off a turnbuckle pad. Before Itami can use that though, he has to break up a springboard to send Alexander outside. A running dropkick drives Alexander head first into the steps but only gets two back inside. Not that it matters as Alexander hits a Lumbar Check for the fast pin at 15:42.
Result: Cedric Alexander b. Hideo Itami – Lumbar Check (15:42)
He really is smooth in the ring.

Cedric Alexander vs. Hideo Itami - WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: WWE 205 Live, July 10, 2018
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 27 wrestling books. His latest book is the NXT: The Full Sail Years Volume III: From Dallas To New Orleans.
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