205 Live
Date: August 14, 2018
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson
We’re less than a week away from Summerslam but that doesn’t mean much around here. Since there’s only one match on Sunday’s card (and that’s been moved to the Kickoff Show, shocking almost no one), this should be a show like almost any other. Hopefully Drew Gulak can help us through things. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
We open with Drake Maverick running down the card for the night. As this is going, a tribute to Jim Neidhart runs along the bottom.
Opening sequence.
Lio Rush vs. Akira Tozawa
Rematch from a few weeks back where Rush won. On his way to the ring, Rush talks about how lucky the fans are to see him here. With all due respect to Tozawa, he’s only one of the best cruiserweights in the world. The problem is he’s facing the BEST cruiserweight in the world and tonight, Tozawa feels the rush. Tozawa isn’t interested in waiting on Rush to take off his jewelry and the fight is on.
Rush’s head speed is too fast for Tozawa but a hurricanrana takes him down. Rush throws him the bracelet but Tozawa throws it back, allowing Tozawa to kick him to the floor. That’s enough for Rush, who only gets a few steps up the aisle before Tozawa hits him in the back. The head fake right hand rocks Rush again and they head back inside with Tozawa pounding him down. Eventually the referee breaks things up and Rush sends him shoulder first into the post to take over.
We hit a reverse chinlock for a few moments until Tozawa comes back with a kick to the chest. The backsplash hits knees though and Rush grabs a chinlock. Back up and they take turns sliding between each others’ legs until Tozawa kicks him to the floor. This time the suicide headbutt connects and it’s a Black Widow back inside. That’s broken up as well and Rush rolls over into a kick to the head. Rush heads up top, shoves Tozawa off, and hits the Final Hour for the pin at 7:49.
Result: Lio Rush b. Akira Tozawa – Final Hour (7:49)

Akira Tozawa vs. Lio Rush: WWE 205 Live, Aug. 14, 2018
Video on Drew Gulak, the submission master who is rather serious and wants the Cruiserweight Title on Sunday.We look back at the end of Mustafa Ali vs. Hideo Itami from last week with Ali losing his balance on the top rope due to his medical issues. Itami dropkicked him several times and the match was stopped.
Maverick says Ali is suffering from severe exhaustion and he will not be wrestling until Maverick determines he is back to health.
Hideo Itami vs. Trent Newman
Itami doesn’t seem to mind that he put Ali out. The beating starts slowly but we do pause for a RESPECT ME. Newman tries a rollup but can’t even get Itami down. A hard running clothesline sets up some strikes to the head for two with Itami pulling him up. Itami hits a Falcon Arrow for the same result and three straight basement dropkicks in the corner cause the referee to stop the match at 2:45.
Result: Hideo Itami b. Trent Newman via referee stoppage (2:46)

Hideo Itami vs. Trent Newman: WWE 205 Live, Aug. 14, 2018
Post match Itami hits his Twist of Fate/GTS hybrid.Video on Cedric Alexander, who is ready to defend the title at Summerslam. He knows Gulak is ready but he’ll be ready too. The Gulock is dangerous but he’ll never tap because the Lumbar Check will continue the Age of Alexander.
Maverick is with Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese. Next week: it’s a tornado tag against the Lucha House Party.
Also next week: Noam Dar vs. TJP in the rubber match.
Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher
Non-title and Gulak/Brian Kendrick are banned from ringside. Gallagher hides in the ropes to start before taking over with some grappling into a few rollups. That’s fine with Cedric, who powers him up with a fireman’s carry. A dropkick puts Gallagher on the floor but he hides under the ring before Alexander can try a dive. The blind side attack works for all of a few seconds but Alexander backdrops him hard to the floor. Gallagher drives him head first into the post though as they’re still going back and forth in the early going.
Back in and Gallagher grabs a neck crank, with Nigel being smart enough to realize that it’s a way to set up the Gulock on Sunday. It’s off to an armbar with Gallagher putting a foot on Alexander’s head before a swinging neckbreaker gets two. Gallagher chokes him with his own arms and puts some knees in Alexander’s back as Nigel again points to the Gulock. The cravate makes things even worse but Alexander reverses into some rolling suplexes (the second Eddie Guerrero tribute of the night after Aiden English’s frog splash on Smackdown).
The Neuralizer and the springboard clothesline get two each but Gallagher is right back up with a top rope knee to the arm for a near fall of his own. It’s off to a Crossface as Gallagher is staying The rope is good for a break and they slug it out until Gallagher slaps on a guillotine choke.
That’s reversed into a Falcon Arrow but the second springboard clothesline misses, sending Alexander into the corner where Gallagher is waiting with the running dropkick. Alexander is right next to the rope so Gallagher powerbombs him (barely able to get him up) for two more. Back up and Gallagher charges into a quick C4 to give Alexander the pin at 14:04.
Result: Cedric Alexander b. Jack Gallagher – C4 (14:04)

Cedric Alexander vs. Gentleman Jack Gallagher: WWE 205 Live, Aug. 14, 2018
Cedric celebrates but Gulock and Kendrick jump him from behind. The beatdown is on and the Gulock ends the show.Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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