For the second time ever. Back at “Summerslam 2016”, Finn Balor became the first Universal Title in one of the biggest upsets in recent memories. However, Balor wrecked his shoulder...
Roman Reigns recently appeared on ESPN’s Sports Center to talk about the main event of this year’s SummerSlam, Ric Flair, and a possible full on reunion of The Shield. In...
Seth Rollins, who is now one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions with Dean Ambrose, recently did an interview Raute Musik, where he talked about whether or not a full...
Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns spoke with ESPN this morning to promote tonight’s episode of Monday Night Raw, which takes place in Brooklyn, New York. It’ll be WWE’s...
The boys are back. Earlier this week, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins reunited in one of the best moments WWE has produced all year. They cleared the ring of the...
Two-time WWE Hall of Famer and 16-time World Champion Ric Flair recently spoke with GameSpot to promote the upcoming 30 for 30 documentary, which will highlight his life and career...
WWE superstar Seth Rollins was recently interviewed by The Sporting News and discussed a number of topics. He talked about starring in the upcoming film “Armed Response”, along with the future...
Seth Rollins and 2K have revealed the first screenshots of the upcoming WWE 2K18 video game via their Twitter and YouTube accounts. 2K Games yesterday confirmed that today would be...