WWE aired its latest live NXT special on the WWE Network on Wednesday, Feb. 11. The event, titled “NXT TakeOver: Rival” was another critically-acclaimed NXT event, which saw the NXT...
NXT Champion Sami Zayn is set for a major match Wednesday night, as he takes on Kevin Owens for his title. He spoke with The Chad Dukes Wrestling Show about his...
At “NXT Takeover: Rival” on Feb. 11, Sami Zayn will defend his NXT Championship in the main event against Kevin Owens. Zayn is currently in Abu Dhabi this week to...
The following is the final confirmed card for “NXT Takeover: Rival” on Feb. 11: NXT Championship Sami Zayn (c) vs. Kevin Owens NXT Women’s Championship Charlotte (c) vs. Sasha Banks vs....
WWE NXT Champion Sami Zayn talks about possibly competing at WrestleMania 31 in a recent interview with Graham Caygill of The National. Zayn also discusses performing overseas, winning the NXT Championship,...
In a recent interview with Alex Obert of Journey Of A Frontman.com, NXT newcomer Kevin Owens talks Triple H, Sami Zayn, his debut, and more. In this interview, Owens talks about picking...