Looking down the road. The Smackdown World Title is in an interesting place at the moment with champion Randy Orton getting ready to defend against a “Monday Night Raw” talent...
Sami Zayn is now on Smackdown. Even though the idea of wrestlers changing brands was just introduced this week, this still felt like a long time coming. After all, Zayn’s...
The second half is in the books. Over the course of last night’s “Monday Night Raw” and tonight’s “Smackdown Live”, WWE has undergone a Superstar Shakeup. Last night saw several...
There might’ve been a feeling following Raw that SmackDown had been gutted on the first night of the Superstar Shakeup, but the opening of the Tuesday night show proved that...
That’s all they can spare. With most of “Wrestlemania XXXIII” set, there aren’t a lot of questions remaining to be answered. One of the few things left is the list...
Ole! Sami Zayn is one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE at the moment after one heck of a run down in NXT. Zayn was over when he debuted...
Sami Zayn was a fan favorite on NXT, frequently called the “heart and soul” of the brand. His fortunes haven’t been so great since hitting the main roster. While Zayn has...
And it’s done. Sami Zayn has been one of the best things about “Monday Night Raw” in recent weeks as he can take a beating like few others could ever...