Seth Rollins will face off with Chris Jericho at Roadblock: End of the Line. These are two of the bigger names on RAW, but there is something notably lacking from...
Midnight tonight would see the New Day break Demolition’s 478-day record as the longest reigning tag team champions in WWE history, carrying those titles at least until Roadblock. In...
Like a lot of people who were once in an athletic profession, Mick Foley has been battling his weight since beginning a less active lifestyle. However, in the battle against...
Emma’s a terrific wrestler, but she never managed to get over with the main roster crowd. Will the change to Emmalina make things different? We’ll find that out on Raw tonight, but...
It seems Cedric Alexander–CWC highlight and regular contender in the Cruiserweight Division–had an injury scare at Friday’s NXT live event. According to a report from Wrestling Inc, Alexander had...
It’s right there in our title: Wrestling Rumors. Pro wrestling is one of the leakiest entertainment venues on television, and we’re apt to hear a fair share of what’s going...