This past Monday on “Monday Night Raw,” former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar challenged Seth Rollins to a rematch for his title. After Rollins ran off and escaped, Lesnar...
In a WWE Network exclusive that aired immediately following the live broadcast of “Monday Night Raw” on March 16, Sting speaks in a WWE ring for the first time ever...
The latest edition of “Wrestling Observer Radio” with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer has provided some backstage news on Rusev’s lawyer seen on “RAW” and Lana’s absence from the program....
In a recent interview with Michael Cole on, Triple H threatens Sting to build towards a match which will likely take place at WrestleMania 31. As previously reported, WWE...
Thursday night, it was announced WWE would be making several changes to its announcing teams, in a move that surprised many. After a trial run this past week on “RAW,”...
The staff here at have assembled a list of winners for the first-ever “WR Year-End Awards,” covering all aspects of professional wrestling in the year 2014. The second of these...
In a recent sit down with Michael Cole, Dolph Ziggler talks about his current position within WWE. Ziggler discusses his push, the backing of the WWE Universe behind him, what...