He’s at it again. Every now and then, you see a wrestler come along who catches your attention. There is something about them that makes you pay attention and you...
The roster keeps growing. There are a lot of incredibly talented wrestlers on the AEW roster and the combination they have put together is a major reason for their success....
It could be a little while. The amount of talent available in the wrestling world is almost hard to fathom these days, as a variety of companies have signed so...
That won’t go well. The fans are one of the most important parts of any wrestling show. While the wrestlers are the featured attraction, there is nowhere near as much...
That’s a side job. With such packed schedules, wrestlers rarely have that much free time on their hands. Whether it is wrestling for a national promotion or being on the...
It’s a different career. Professional wrestlers are very talented people. You don’t get to the top level of your profession without a good deal of skill and that is often...
Welcome back? There have been some huge batches of releases from WWE over the last year and a half with the roster looking almost nothing like it did before. That...
The Wrld On GCW Date: January 23, 2022 Location: Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, New York Commentators: Dave Prazak, Kendall Gill Hosts: Lenny Leonard, Pollo del Mar Every now and...