Meltzer is claiming in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that WWE are not disclosing the suspensions and violations of NXT and other developmental talents.
WWE’s own Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy contradicts the claims made by Meltzer.
The seventeenth section reads:
This Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, is applicable to and binding upon all WWE Talent under contract to WWE who regularly perform in-ring services as a professional sports entertainer (“WWE Talent”).
The policy was first introduced in November, 2007 and remains to this day.
Only two months after this policy went into effect, WWE had already suspended two developmental performers on January 15, 2008. They were Neil Bzibziak and Derrick Neikrk. Since that time, only one other suspension was listed for a developmental talent and that was Afa Anoa’i Jr (Manu) on March 20, 2008 which is almost a decade ago.
In April of 2016, WWE announced the second suspension for both Adam Rose and Konnor of The Ascension for violating the policy, but WWE had never announced when the two wrestlers served their first suspensions.
Meltzer claims that those two Superstars were in developmental at the time of their first suspensions, with WWE suspending Rose for the first time in 2013 and Konnor in 2006.
At this time, WWE has yet to respond to these claims or to change their policy in regards to publicly disclosing these talents so they aren’t in violation of their own policies.
There is every chance that no talent since Rose, who was the last known developmental talent to receive a suspension, has had any problems such as these given the state of the Performance Center, but it is definitely something worth noting.
Take a listen to what Paige had to say about failing the wellness policy below.

Paige Shoots on Failing WWE Wellness Policy
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