For those unfamiliar with the show, ‘Good Mythical Morning’ is a show held by comedian and entertainers Rhett and Link every weekday morning on their YouTube channel. They blend challenges, trivia, and facts with interesting segments to keep viewers coming in every single day for new content.
It was on Sunday last week when the duo confirmed Ziggler would be appearing on the show, but did not confirm the date. That episode has now aired.
For the episode itself, Ziggler and Link viewed items Rhett had found that relate to the sports entertainment industry on eBay. The idea is to guess the closest to the actual buying price to obtain a point. There are five rounds, and the winner at the end receives a special prize.
To promote the appearance, Ziggler appeared on Rhett and Link’s Twitter account to do a wiggle dance which is absolutely hilarious.
Come wiggle with @HEELZiggler
— Rhett & Link (@Mythical) April 5, 2018
Check out the episode below:
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