If you couldn’t tell by our featured image- let us break down the four people Meltzer listed as WWE bound and what their status is with the company.
Meltzer received confirmation that EC3, real name Michael Hutter, aged 34 is going to WWE. He now owns the rights to his gimmick and with Impact allowing talent to use their gimmicks elsewhere- that won’t be a problem.
Hutter previously worked in the promotion under the name of Derrick Bateman. Leaving the company- Hutter made it clear he wasn’t happy with the way they handled him. Now with a hot gimmick in the EC3 character- could it be the time for Hutter to shine? We think so!
EC3 finished up with Impact at the latest set of tapings, alongside Bobby Lashley- who is the next superstar that may be potentially looking to go to WWE.
Lashley previously worked with WWE a decade ago and was set to be a major star in the promotion- second only to Cena. However, things began to get heated backstage between Lashley and Michael Hayes due to Lashley’s then-relationship with Kristal Marshall.
Now aged 41, Lashley has the decision to either go to WWE or New Japan Pro Wrestling. As a father and at his age- he is considering what is best for him and his family. He appears to forgive the company and the door is open for a potential return.
For these two wrestlers in particular- Hutter would be able to participate in the Royal Rumble if the company wanted him to. Lashley on the other hand would require Impact giving WWE approval.
Despite working for Arolucha- James Storm, now 40 years of age, has made it clear he wants to go to WWE. He previously worked with NXT for a short period without a contract, eventually opting to sign a two-year deal with TNA as they offered him two-and-a-half times more than WWE and he was allowed to work independent dates.
The final superstar Meltzer noted is already likely with the company. As we previously reported, Serena Deeb was expected to begin with WWE. She is now training at the Performance Center, which would indicate her medicals were positive.
Not mentioned by Meltzer is former Impact Knockout Champion Laurel Van Ness- also known as Chelsea Green from Tough Enough.
There was interest in WWE signing her after Tough Enough- though there wasn’t enough to warrant the contract. With her recent success in Impact Wrestling, her relationship with ‘Smackdown Live’ superstar Zack Ryder and her leaving the company after the most recent set of tapings- it it is expected she will be WWE bound shortly.
It was recently confirmed that War Machine, Trevor “Ricochet” Mann and Candice LeRae had signed with the company.
You can find Storm’s previous NXT match against Danny Burch down below.

James Storm vs. Danny Burch: WWE NXT, Oct. 21, 2015
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