Paige was a member of the Total Divas cast from season 3 through to season 6. Due to a number of issues that arose, Paige was removed as a member of season 7.
However, it appears Paige is back to being a cast member, as E! cameras have been following her around New Orleans extensively.
In addition, the cameras have been filming Total Divas material with other cast members, with Paige heavily taking part.
What this means is that Paige is either scheduled to appear as a main cast member alongside the several other Superstars, or she will be a recurring member of the cast this season. Both are possible.
Which role do you believe Paige will have? Which season of Total Divas is your favorite?
Paige reveals a secret to Rosa Mendes on an episode of Total Divas, as shown below.

Paige reveals her secret to Rosa Mendes: Total Divas, April 5, 2016
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