To give some backstory, Amore had been accused of rape in January by Sheahan via her social media. This subsequently resulted in WWE terminating their contract with the now-former Champion as he didn’t tell them he was under investigation.
Throughout the entire journey, it seemed that Sheahan made conflicting statements all too often, leading to a number of people not believing her bold claims.
News would break earlier this week, revealing Amore was no longer under investigation, seemingly confirming that Amore was innocent from the beginning.
Sheahan has now responded via her Instagram account to the decision:
“There are no words to describe what this feels like… To know that my rapist is walking away from this, free of charges, and will continue to be a part of society today. I have said this many times, and I will say it again: I did this for sexual assault survivors/victims who did not/do not have the courage to speak up about their stories. For those who feared for their lives & knew that if they spoke up, they would be killed. For those who’s assailant was a family member. And for those who were set up to be assaulted. No matter the differences in our stories, we are one in the same. I did this in hopes that by coming out about what happened to me on October 19, 2017 & the correct legal measures taken, that my story may end in a little bit of hope with my assailant being prosecuted. To my disbelief & complete misfortune, this did not happen.”
“I was so mentally shaken up in every way possible after the night that it happened that i waited 4 days to report it to the police. Hence the DNA samples taken were 4 days old & would have had to survive a shower & regular visits to the bathroom. That is where I messed up in this process, but I don’t blame myself. I have been told that I did this for money, fame, out of spite, and to those that believe these things, all I can say is you are very wrong. I am a different person today. Ugh… I used to have anxiety, but since the incident it has escalated to a much higher level. Yeah, I have frequent panic attacks.”
“Yeah, I can rarely can handle any interaction with men. I wake up most nights in a complete panic & have to use coping mechanisms to relieve the emotions. I have PTSD & it shows itself in a variation of ways. I’m married to a woman named Depression & she is my lover. People get jealous & frustrated because she gets all of me. Most days we just lay in bed & refuse to get up. She takes from the quality of my life & tonight she was begging me to self harm.”
“I have been hiding from my phone all day, dodging the hate. But when I came home, it was overwhelming. I wanted nothing more than that release. My favorite coping mechanism is writing, so I decided to share an up-to-date side of my story. Eric Ardnt is not innocent, & I AM A SURVIVOR.”
The response on social media so far has been extremely negative towards Sheahan, as the majority of people commenting on the matter believe she is just looking for sympathy since the case is closed. A reminder that even if no charges are layed, there is still the chance that Amore did what Sheahan claims. That is something we will seemingly never know or certain.
That said, Sheahan has been open throughout the entire process in saying that she has a number of problems with herself and needed to be in rehab for some of these. If this is the case, it perhaps explains her wild and erratic behavior. We do hope Sheahan gets the help she needs, given what she says she is dealing with.
Check out one of Amore’s final matches with WWE below:

Enzo Amore vs. Cedric Alexander - WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Raw, Jan. 8, 2018
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