WrestleMania 12
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper vs. Goldust in a “Hollywood Backlot Brawl”
Who could forget this amazingly insane match? It had everything, from a gold car, to dumpsters, food-fighting, and O.J. Simpson car chase footage. Piper helped Goldust become a credible superstar, raising him to another level of the playing field.
After hitting Goldust with everything in the alley, Goldust then turned around and hit Piper…WITH HIS CAR. As a kid, this brawl seemed all too real, and left a memory that can never be erased. The same car chase that I watched in 1994 when O.J. Simpson was being pursued by police officers as a murder suspect became Piper stalking Goldust through the Hollywood hills. Timeless.
The match would end back inside the arena, but it’s what happened in the “backlot” that makes this match so memorable.